Appendicitis is defined as an inflammation of the inner lining of the vermiform appendix that spreads to its other parts. This condition is a common and urgent surgical illness with protean manifestations, generous overlap with other clinical syndromes, and significant morbidity, which increases with diagnostic delay (see Clinical Presentation). In fact, despite diagnostic and therapeutic advancement in medicine, appendicitis remains a clinical emergency and is one of the more common causes of acute abdominal
Nursing Diagnosis for Appendicitis
Nursing Diagnosis for Appendicitis Preoperative
1. Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Than Body Requirements related to vomiting pre surgery.
2. Acute Pain related to distention of intestinal tissue by inflammation.
3. Anxiety related to changes in health status.
Nursing Diagnosis for Appendicitis Postoperative
1. Acute Pain related to the existence of postoperative wound.
2. Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Than Body Requirements related to anorexia, nausea.
3. Risk for Infection related to surgical incisions, less knowledge about treatments and diseases associated with lack of information.
Appendicitis is defined as an inflammation of the inner lining of the vermiform appendix that spreads to its other parts. This condition is a common and urgent surgical illness with protean manifestations, generous overlap with other clinical syndromes, and significant morbidity, which increases with diagnostic delay (see Clinical Presentation). In fact, despite diagnostic and therapeutic advancement in medicine, appendicitis remains a clinical emergency and is one of the more common causes of acute abdominal
Nursing Diagnosis for Appendicitis
Nursing Diagnosis for Appendicitis Preoperative
1. Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Than Body Requirements related to vomiting pre surgery.
2. Acute Pain related to distention of intestinal tissue by inflammation.
3. Anxiety related to changes in health status.
Nursing Diagnosis for Appendicitis Postoperative
1. Acute Pain related to the existence of postoperative wound.
2. Imbalanced Nutrition: Less Than Body Requirements related to anorexia, nausea.
3. Risk for Infection related to surgical incisions, less knowledge about treatments and diseases associated with lack of information.