Nursing Care Plan : Nursing Diagnosis Nanda

Nursing Diagnosis for Stroke

Nursing diagnosis is a statement of the problem be an actual or potential patients and requires nursing action so that the problem of patients, can be overcome or reduced. (Lismidar, 1990)

Nursing Diagnosis for Stroke
  1. Impaired brain tissue perfusion related to intracerebral hemorrhage. (Marilynn E. Doenges, 2000)
  2. Impaired physical mobility related to hemiparese / hemiplegia (Donna D. Ignativicius, 1995)
  3. Impaired sensory perception related to sensory impairment, vision impairment (Donna D. Ignativicius, 1995)
  4. Impaired verbal communication related to the decrease in brain blood circulation (Donna D. Ignativicius, 1995)
  5. Impaired elimination (constipation) related to immobilization, inadequate fluid intake (Donna D. Ignativicius, 1995)
  6. The risk of nutritional deficiencies related to muscle weakness of chewing and swallowing (Barbara Engram, 1998)
  7. Lack of compliance with self care related to hemiparese / hemiplegi (Donna D. Ignativicius, 1995)
  8. The risk of disruption of skin integrity related long bed rest (Barbara Engram, 1998)
  9. The risk of ineffective airway clearance related to the decrease in cough reflex and swallowing. (Juall Lynda Carpenito, 1998)
  10. Impaired elimination uri (uri incontinence) related to lesions in the upper motor neuron (Juall Lynda Carpenito, 1998)

Nursing Diagnosis for Stroke
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