Nursing Care Plan : Nursing Diagnosis Nanda

Nursing Diagnosis for Bronchopneumonia

Nursing Diagnosis for Bronchopneumonia

Bronchopneumonia or bronchial pneumonia or "Bronchogenic pneumonia" (not to be confused with lobar pneumonia) is the acute inflammation of the walls of the bronchioles. It is a type of pneumonia characterised by multiple foci of isolated, acute consolidation, affecting one or more pulmonary lobules.

It is one of two types of bacterial pneumonia as classified by gross anatomic distribution of consolidation (solidification), the other being lobar pneumonia.

Nursing Diagnosis for Bronchopneumonia

1) Ineffective airway clearance related to the buildup of secretions.

2) Impaired gas exchange related to changes in alveolar capillaries.

3) Deficit fluid volume related to the excessive output.

4) Imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements related to inadequate nutritional intake.

5) Risk for Imbalanced Body Temperature related to the infection process

6) Deficient Knowledge: about diseases related to lack of information.

7) Anxiety related to hospitalization.
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