Nursing Care Plan : Nursing Diagnosis Nanda

Nursing Assessment for Appendicitis

Nursing Assessment for Appendicitis

a condition characterized by inflammation of the appendix. It is classified as a medical emergency and many cases require removal of the inflamed appendix, either by laparotomy or laparoscopy. Untreated, mortality is high, mainly because of the risk of rupture leading to peritonitis and shock. Reginald Fitz first described acute and chronic appendicitis in 1886, and it has been recognized as one of the most common causes of severe acute abdominal pain worldwide. A correctly diagnosed non-acute form of appendicitis is known as "rumbling appendicitis". wikipedia

Nursing Assessment for Appendicitis
  1. The identity of the client
  2. Health History
    • Current medical history; complaints of pain in postoperative wound, nausea, vomiting, increased body temperature, increased leukocytes.
    • Past medical history
    • Physical examination
      1. Cardiovascular System: To determine vital signs, presence or absence of jugular venous distension, pale, edema, and abnormal heart sounds.
      2. Hematological system: To determine whether there is any increase in leukocytes is a sign of infection and bleeding, nosebleeds splenomegaly.
      3. Urogenital system: Presence or absence of tension of the bladder and back pain complaints.
      4. Musculoskeletal System: To determine whether there is any difficulty in movement, pain in bones, joints and there are fractures or not.
      5. The immune system: To determine whether there is lymph node enlargement.
  3. Other Examination

    • Routine blood tests: to determine an increase in leukocytes is a sign of infection.
    • Abdominal x-ray examination: to know the existence of post-surgical complications.
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