Nursing Care Plan : Nursing Diagnosis Nanda

Nursing Diagnosis for Bronchiectasis


Bronchiectasis is an uncommon disease that results in the abnormal and permanent distortion of one or more of the conducting bronchi or airways, most often secondary to an infectious process. First described by Laennec in 1819, later detailed by Sir William Osler in the late 1800s, and further defined by Reid in the 1950s, bronchiectasis has undergone significant changes in regard to its prevalence, etiology, presentation, and treatment.

Bronchiectasis can be categorized as a chronic obstructive pulmonary lung disease manifested by airways that are inflamed and easily collapsible, resulting in air flow obstruction with shortness of breath, impaired clearance of secretions often with disabling cough, and occasionally hemoptysis. Severe cases can result in progressive impairment with respiratory failure.

Nursing Diagnosis for Bronchiectasis
  1. Ineffective airway clearance related to increased production of viscous secretions or secretion
  2. Impaired gas exchange related to oxygen supply disruptions and damage to the alveoli
  3. Imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements related to nausea, vomiting, sputum production, dispneu
  4. Risk of infection related to chronic disease process, malnutrition.
  5. Anxiety related to fear of difficulty breathing during an exacerbation phase, lack of knowledge about the treatment that will be implemented
  6. Activity intolerance related to damage to of gas exchange
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