Nursing Care Plan : Nursing Diagnosis Nanda

Nursing Diagnosis for Scabies

Scabies is a common skin infection that causes small itchy bumps and blisters due to tiny mites that burrow into the top layer of human skin to lay their eggs.

The burrows sometimes appear as short, wavy, reddish, or darkened lines on the skin's surface, especially around the wrists and between the fingers. A child who has contracted scabies can also develop a bumpy red rash.

Scabies is contagious, and is usually transmitted by skin-to-skin contact or through sexual contact with someone else who is infected with it. The infection spreads more easily in crowded conditions and in situations where there is a lot of close contact — like childcare centers or nursing homes. So if someone in your child's class or childcare group has scabies, it's wise to have your child treated for the infection even before he or she develops symptoms.

Nursing Diagnosis for Scabies
  1. Acute pain related to injury to biological agents
  2. Disturbed sleep pattern related to pain
  3. Disturbed body image related to changes in appearance
  4. Anxiety related to changes in health status
  5. Risk for Infection related to biscuits damaged tissue and invasive procedures
  6. Impaired skin integrity related to edema
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