Nursing Care Plan : Nursing Diagnosis Nanda

Pain Disorder and Hypochondriasis - Symptoms

Pain Disorder

In pain disorder, the patient experienced pain resulting in an inability to significantly; psychological factors thought to play an important role in the emergence, survival and perceived pain levels. The patient may not be able to work and become dependent on painkillers. The pain can be associated with conflict or stress, or it can occur so that individuals can avoid unpleasant activities and to get attention and sympathy that was not previously obtained.

Accurate diagnosis of pain disorder is somewhat difficult because of the subjective experience of pain is always a psychological phenomenon influenced, wherein the pain itself is not a simple sensory experiences, such as sight and hearing. To that end, decide whether the pain is felt a pain disorder that is classified as somatoform disorder, it is very difficult. However, in some cases can be distinguished clearly how the pain experienced by individuals with somatoform disorders with the pain of individuals who experience pain due to physical problems. Individuals who feel the pain caused by a physical disorder, showing the location of the pain that is experienced with more specific, more detailed in providing sensory description of the pain they experienced, and describes situations where pain is felt sicker or more reduced (Adler et al., in Davidson, Neale, Kring, 2004).


Hypochondriasis is a somatoform disorder in which individuals overwhelmed with fear of having a serious disease which is quite repetitive though of medical certainty to the contrary, that he was fine. The disorder usually begins in early adolescence and tend to continue. Individuals who experience this is usually the consumers who frequently use health services; sometimes they assume their doctors are incompetent and do not care (Pershing et al., in Davidson, Neale, Kring, 2004). In theory stated that they were overreacting to the physical sensations are common and minor disturbances, such as an irregular heartbeat, sweating, coughing that sometimes occurs, pain, abdominal pain, as evidence of their belief. Hypochondriasis often coincided with anxiety and mood disorders.

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