Expected Results:
- Prevent injury and infection
- Eliminate fear when giving insulin
- Maintenance of adequate nutrition
- Positive self-concept
- Does not depend
- To keep the child's family does not happen hypoglycemia, insulin nutrition for children
- For children to learn to treat diabetes in order to avoid complications.
Prevent injury
- Monitoring blood glucose levels, 2 times a day, before breakfast and dinner.
- Help express feelings of fear when performed blood glucose test (finger stick).
- Monitor signs of hyperglycemia
Improve family coping in the management hypoglikemia and hyperglikemia:
- Education about the signs and hyperglikemia hypoglikemia and how the handling necessary to overcome.
- How to handle if blood sugar <60 mg / dl, juice, sugar, non-diet soda, if glucose is not checked give simple carbohydrates if there are signs of hypoglycemia.
- If the child received therapy glucagon or dextrose from doctors, teach how the intra-muscular administration of glucagon.
- Encourage children to bring lunch and eat if there are signs of hypoglycemia (his lunch complex carbohydrates such as cakes, crakers, bread, beans).
- Note the pattern of occurrence of hypoglycemia and create a schedule plan for decision making in order to avoid hypoglycemia
- If the child has a sore (fever, infection, vomiting, nausea, did not eat) call the doctor.
- Teach how subcutan insulin administration.
Ensuring appropriate and inadequate nutrition
- Involve children in planning nutrition.
- Helping children to get involved in a diet program.
- If the child will come home late for lunch are encouraged to bring the food complex carbohydrates.
- Can recommend how to overcome eating in school and social environment.
Prevent infection and skin damage
- Teach them how to observe, determine the skin every day (after a shower) typically are susceptible to damage at folds (axilla, groin)
- Note the use of a good shoe.
- Observation of both feet for cracked, cut nails according to the line, use clean socks.
- Infection often is the urinary system and respiratory system of teaching known mark urinary infection; itching, burning sensation in the urinary system in case of medical attention.
Reducing the anxiety of children and families
- Suggest to the child and family to express his feelings (guilt, anger, rejection).
- Encourage a lot of reading to increase understanding about the disease.
- Give an honest and clear information.
Improve self care and positive self esteem
- Encourage child to visit one another among the sick.
- Explain that children with diabetes can do the same activities as other children.