Nursing Diagnosis for Retained Placenta

Nursing Diagnosis for Retained Placenta

Nursing Diagnosis for Retained Placenta
Retained placenta is a condition where all or part of the placenta or membranes are left behind in the uterus during the third stage of labour.

In humans, retained placenta is generally defined as a placenta that has not undergone placental expulsion within 30 minutes of the baby’s birth.

Risks of retained placenta include hemorrhage and infection.

Nursing Diagnosis for Retained Placenta
  1. Deficient Fluid Volume: Hypovolemia related to excessive loss through vascular.
  2. Risk for Infection related to the trauma network.
  3. Acute Pain related to trauma or tissue distension.
  4. Ineffective Tissue Perfusion related to hipovalemia.
  5. Anxiety related to the threat of changes in health status.
  6. Knowledge Deficit related to lack of information obtained.