Nursing Care Plan : Nursing Diagnosis Nanda

Nursing Diagnosis and Interventions for Liver Abscess

Nursing Diagnosis for Liver Abscess - Nursing Interventions for Liver Abscess

Liver abscess is a relatively uncommon but life-threatening disorder that occurs when bacteria or protozoa destroy hepatic tissue. The damage produces a cavity, which fills with infectious organisms, liquefied hepatic cells, and leukocytes. Necrotic tissue then walls off the cavity from the rest of the liver.
A liver abscess occurs when bacteria or protozoa destroy hepatic tissue, producing a cavity, which fills with infectious organisms, liquefied liver cells, and leukocytes. Necrotic tissue then walls off the cavity from the rest of the liver. Liver abscess carries a mortality of 10% to 20%, despite treatment. Liver abscess affects both sexes and all age-groups, although it's slightly more prevalent in hospitalized children (because of a high rate of immunosuppression) and in females (most commonly those between ages 40 and 60).

Nursing Diagnosis for Liver Abscess
  1. Impaired Liver Function
  2. Acute pain
  3. Deficient knowledge (diagnosis and treatment)
  4. Imbalanced nutrition: Less than body requirements
  5. Risk for impaired skin integrity
  6. Risk for infection

Nursing Interventions for Liver Abscess

1. Pain Management: Alleviation of pain or a reduction in pain to a level of comfort that is acceptable to the patient. Analgesic Administration: Use of pharmacologic agents to reduce or eliminate pain. Environmental Management: Comfort: Manipulation of the patient’s surroundings for promotion of optimal comfort

2. Teaching: Individual Planning, implementation, and evaluation of a teaching about Liver abscess. Learning Facilitation: Promoting the ability to process and comprehend information. Learning Readiness Enhancement: Improving the ability and willingness to receive information.

3. Nutrition Management: Assisting with or providing a balanced dietary intake of foods and fluids. Weight Gain Assistance: Facilitating gain of body weight

4. Skin Surveillance: Collection and analysis of patient data to maintain skin and mucous membrane integrity. Pressure Management: Minimizing pressure to body parts. Pressure Ulcer Prevention: Prevention of pressure ulcers for a patient at high risk for developing them

5. Infection Protection, Infection Control, Surveillance: Prevention and early detection of infection in a patient at risk. Minimizing the acquisition and transmission of infectious agents. Purposeful and ongoing acquisition, interpretation, and synthesis of patient data for clinical decision making.
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