Nursing Care Plan : Nursing Diagnosis Nanda

Nursing Diagnosis : Ineffective Coping

Nursing Diagnosis: Ineffective Coping

Inability to form a valid appraisal of internal or external stressors, inadequate choices of practiced responses, and/or inability to access or use available resources

Defining Characteristics
Lack of goal-directed behavior or resolution of problem, including inability to attend; difficulty with organized information; sleep disturbance; abuse of chemical agents; decreased use of social support; use of forms of coping that impede adaptive behavior; poor concentration; fatigue; inadequate problem solving; verbalized inability to cope or ask for help; inability to meet basic needs; destructive behavior toward self or others; inability to meet role expectations; high illness rate; change in usual communication patterns; risk taking

Related Factors:
Gender differences in coping strategies; inadequate level of confidence in ability to cope; uncertainty; inadequate social support created by characteristics of relationships; inadequate level of perception of control; inadequate resource availability; high degree of threat; situational crises; maturational crises; disturbance in pattern of tension release; inadequate opportunity to prepare for stressor; inability to conserve adaptive energies; disturbance in pattern of appraisal of threat; chronic conditions; alteration in body integrity; cultural variables

Client Outcomes

1. Verbalize ability to cope and ask for help when needed
2. Demonstrate ability to solve problems related to current needs
3. Remain free of destructive behavior toward self or others
4. Communicate needs and negotiate with others to meet needs
5. Discuss how recent life stressors have overwhelmed normal coping strategies
6. Demonstrate new effective coping strategies
7. Have illness and accident rates not excessive for age and developmental level

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