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11 Symptoms of Schizophrenia You Need to Know

Schizophrenia. Disorders that we now know as schizophrenia is rampant discussed in public. However, many of us do not know what exactly schizophrenia. In some cases, people with this disorder considered to be possessed by demons, fear, tortured, exiled or even locked up forever.

Like most other mental disorders, the cause of schizophrenia is still not clearly presented. Most people imagine schizophrenic as a person vulnerable to violence or uncontrolled attitude.

One of the most obvious kind of damage caused by schizophrenia involves how a person thinks. Individuals may lose the capacity to think rationally in evaluating the environment and how to interact with others. They often believe things that are not true, and may have difficulty accepting what they see as reality "true".

Schizophrenia is often include hallucinations and / or delusions, which reflects the distortion in the perception and interpretation of reality. Nearly a third of those diagnosed with schizophrenia will attempt suicide. Approximately 10 percent of those diagnosed with this disorder will commit suicide within 20 years from the beginning of this disorder.

Patients with schizophrenia may not share their suicidal thoughts with others. The risk of depression would require special attention because of the high rate of suicide in patients with this disorder. They also often do things that are considered strange by others.

For example, people with schizophrenia, paranoid can act like buying a few key to their door, always look back every time walk in public, and refused to talk on the phone.

This behavior may be considered unreasonable and illogical. However, for those who suffer from schizophrenia, this behavior may reflect a natural reaction on their false beliefs about other people out there who want to do evil to them.

Incidence of schizophrenia in most emerging gradually that generally occurs in early adulthood stage - usually in the early 20s. Relatives and friends are able to see the early warning signs long before the major symptoms of schizophrenia occur in patients. During the initial phase, a person may appear not to have a purpose in life, became increasingly eccentric and unmotivated. They will isolate themselves and start to avoid family and their friends.

Here are the signs that indicate a person experiencing schizophrenia, as reported
  1. Self isolating or withdraw from social interaction.
  2. Irrational, say or believe anything strange or odd.
  3. Increased paranoid or questioning the motives of others.
  4. Easy emotion.
  5. Hostility or suspicion.
  6. Increased dependence on drugs or alcohol (in an attempt to self-medicate).
  7. Lack of motivation.
  8. Speaking in a strange way not like themselves.
  9. Often laugh at inappropriate times.
  10. Insomnia or sleeplessness.
  11. The decline in personal appearance and hygiene.
Although there is no guarantee that someone who experienced one or more symptoms suffered from schizophrenia, eleven sign above could be a reference to identify whether there is a disorder that affects a person.
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